Jim and I just returned from a wonderful experience helping some dedicated Chinese youth prepare to take the TOEFL exam in order to further their educational goals in Canadian and American schools
Rozella Clyde
July 2016 PD Experience in Italy
Clydeoscope, LLC, is working with the Fondazione Alario, (located in Ascea, Italy) to create a 15 day professional development opportunity for between 15 and 20 Social Studies educators.
Participants will develop a C 3 Inquiry Design Model 4 lesson unit on Sustainable Economic Development using materials gathered during the July 15-30th seminar in the Ascea/Amalfi area of Italy.
Our Cilento experience will bring educators from around the United States together to curate their own primary sources, examine the role Italy plays in the European Union and meet with Italian Educational professionals.
Lodging, most meals, all local travel & admissions will be covered. Because participants will be arriving from all over the United States, they will arrange their own transportation to and from Naples, Italy. They may participate in just this experience, or combine it with other European travel destinations before and after the official program. Approved classroom units will be shared on the NCSS-based C3 Teachers website.
C3 based lessons
C3 Inquiry Arc Inquiry Design Model
A new template is available at EngageNY.org in the New York State Social Studies Toolkit. Over 80 lesson plan examples K – 12 are also now available for use at C3teachers.org